0333 090 1220

One to One Support

If you are a victim or survivor of domestic abuse, honour based violence, forced marriage, rape or sexual assault seeking support in your own home or a safe place in the community we are here to help. 

​We aim to offer:

  • ​Access to a fully experienced staff who can provide confidential, empathetic and non-judgmental person centred emotional support to Sikh and South Asian victims of domestic abuse and sexual abuse. 
  • Support to access information to help you understand your rights and make informed decisions. 
  • Support to access legal support that can help support with court orders including Non-Molestation Orders, Restraining Orders, Child Protection Orders and Forced Marriage Protection Orders. 
  • Support from staff who have experience and expertise to help you identify and reduce risks and develop safety planning accordingly.   
  • Support from staff who can help you with things that may be worrying you like money and help you to seek job opportunities or apply for welfare benefits. 
  • Access specialist counselling services and support for your children.
  • Help you to understand your rights and options.
  • Support to access temporary accommodation and move on accommodation.

Contact Us - if you wish to discuss any of the above

Sikh Women’s Aid Training

SWA staff are qualified and experienced to deliver training in:

  • Awareness of domestic abuse – Basic level
  • Awareness of domestic abuse and working directly with victims – Advanced Level
  • Awareness of Child Sexual Exploitation Awareness and Grooming
  • Honour Based Violence, Forced Marriages and Female Genital Mutilation training

Domestic Violence and Abuse awareness course

Aims of this awareness course
This course will help you to understand:

  • What it meant by the term ‘domestic violence and abuse’ (DVA) and how prevalent it is in today’s society.
  • How and why domestic violence and abuse happens.
  • Who the perpetrators and victims are.
  • The impact of violence and abuse on victims.
  • What the indicators are that DVA is happening in a family.
  • How children perceive DVA, the impact it has on their lives and how they can react.
  • Best practice in responding to concerns about DVA.
  • How and where you can access further resources regarding this topic.

This Domestic Violence and Abuse training course aims to raise awareness of the reasons behind, and impact of, domestic violence and abuse (DVA) on both the adult victim and the victim’s children.
The course aims to help those who work with families and children understand the effects DVA has on their lives and to ensure that they know what to do with their concerns.

Who Should Take This Domestic Violence and Abuse Training Course?
This Domestic Violence and Abuse training course is suitable for anyone who works with either children or their families.


  • Introduction – key facts about the risks and impact of DVA.
  • Defining Domestic Violence and Abuse – definitions of abuse and case examples.
  • Understanding and Recognising DVA – how DVA happens, who can be a victim, who can be a perpetrator, raising awareness, understanding why victims don’t leave and the impact of DVA.
  • The Impact of DVA on Children and Young People – recognising DVA, case study, how children are affected and how children react to DVA.
  • Responding to Concerns About DVA – best practice, working safely, how to talk to victims and children about DVA, further resources, involving social services, assessing significant harm, protecting children at risk and the future of DVA practice.

Contact Us - if you wish to book training for your organisation

Awareness of Child Sexual Exploitation Awareness and Grooming

Aims of the course
By the end of this course learners will:

  • Understand why learning about child sexual exploitation is important for practitioners.
  • Understand what is meant by CSE and know which children are most at risk.
  • Have an awareness of how young people may become involved in, or targeted for, CSE.
  • Understand the ways in which a young person may react to abuse, including why they may not disclose information and the emotions they may feel.
  • Have knowledge of the impact that CSE can have on young people.
  • Understand what constitutes best practice for responding to concerns, including making a referral to social care.
  • Know the roles that social care, the police and other services play in regards to preventing, responding to and raising awareness about CSE.

Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE) is an important issue that anyone working with children, young people and/or families should have knowledge of.
This CSE Awareness course helps practitioners to understand the complexities involved with child sexual exploitation issues and be aware of how to recognise it, who is most at risk, why young people respond in the way that they do and how children become implicated in CSE.
The course also provides essential information on what constitutes best practice for responding to concerns and making referrals to social care.

Who Should Take Course?

Child sexual exploitation awareness training is essential for anyone with safeguarding responsibilities, including police officers, social workers, teachers, housing officers, youth service workers, residential workers and foster carers.
If you have not taken child protection training before then it’s recommended that you attend a Safeguarding Children course in addition to this Child Sexual Exploitation Awareness training.

Introduction to CSE – What Child Sexual Exploitation is, exploring the definition in more detail, children most at risk and models of exploitation.
How Young People Become Involved in CSE – vulnerability, case studies, how young people are targeted, what is known about perpetrators, warning signs of exploitation, CSE hotspots and online abuse.
How Young People React to CSE –emotions that accompany CSE, why young people don’t disclose abuse, why young people may return to their abusers, recognising CSE, talking about CSE and the impact of sexual exploitation.
Best Practice for Responding to Concerns – your responsibilities, making a referral, the role of social care, child protection plans, the role of the police, other services, local safeguarding children boards and local partnerships, raising awareness and further reading.

Contact Us - if you wish to book training for your organisation

© Sikh Womens Aid 2025